In an event that has left an indelible mark on the flower industry for over three decades, SB Talee has emerged as the undisputed champion in the world of breeders’ varieties at the Proflora 2023 Show. Our astounding performance in the carnation and spray carnation categories earned us a clean sweep of all the top prizes, marking an unprecedented achievement that solidifies our position as industry leaders.
With over sixty years of experience dedicated to the research and development of dianthus genus varieties, SB Talee took everyone by surprise at the event. Our booth, meticulously adorned with a fascinating array of new carnation and spray carnation varieties, managed to captivate the attention of both visitors and competitors alike.
The company’s remarkable awards include:
Carnation Category:
1st Place: Jungle (Green)
2nd Place: 18ST368 Cream Pink (Novelty)
3rd Place: Frenesi (Dark Lavender)
Spray Carnation Category:
1st Place: Wien (Novelty)
2nd Place: Brown Sugar (Terra)
3rd Place: Thar (Apricot)
These recognitios stand as a testament to the dedication, quality, and unwavering commitment of the entire SB Talee team. In the heartwarming moments when the awards were presented, Celiar Noreña, the CEO of the company, expressed gratitude to all the attendees. He underscored that this achievement is the collective fruit of their tireless effort and shared passion for flowers, paying homage to the company’s founder, Mr. Forese Salviati, who laid the foundation for such a remarkable journey.