Mar 6, 2024 | News

The creation of a new variety is a fascinating process that demands five years of dedication and meticulousness. This journey is divided into two phases, the sexual phase, where two parent plants will be crossed to obtain “offspring” with genetic characteristics from both; and the asexual phase, where the “offspring” plant is vegetatively multiplied through the collection and planting of cuttings. 

It all begins with the careful selection of parent plants, taken from our exclusive genetic bank, which houses more than 3,000 varieties, some maintained for over 50 years for their unique genetic characteristics. This collection, meticulously documented by our research and development team, serves as the inspiration for the start of this exciting journey. Parent plants are chosen based on their physical characteristics and aligned with specific criteria we seek in the new variety. 

Once selected and planted, parent plants are grown until they bloom. At this point, pollen is collected from the designated father flower, and the ovaries of flowers acting as mothers are prepared, culminating in their pollination. After this process, we await fertilization, concluding with the formation of seeds. Each fertilized ovary produces between 1 and 10 seeds. Once germinated, these seeds are planted and, after 35 days, they become seedlings ready to be transplanted into our first-year selection greenhouse. In this phase, we generate a total of 50,000 seeds per year, each giving rise to a seedling, representing a unique variety. Plant growth extends for six months before entering the flowering phase.  

At this point, the crucial process of selecting new varieties begins. Over the next four months, our research and development team carefully observes flowering and selects individuals that stand out for meeting technical and aesthetic requirements in line with market trends.  

The resulting flowers are harvested and observed in our vase life laboratory, allowing us to visualize the aesthetic potential of each variety. This concludes the first year of selection.  

Only around 1% of the planted varieties pass the first-year selection, advancing to second-year trials. At this stage, selected varieties are vegetatively multiplied and planted in small batches to evaluate criteria such as cycle, productivity, quality, sensitivity to environmental and cultural factors, and behavior of the vase life. From the initial batch, approximately 0.3% will advance to third-year trials, where the selection criteria rigor is increased. In third-year trials, new varieties will be compared with commercially successful counterparts to observe worthwhile improvements. Only 0.06% will pass these trials to reach the fourth year. In this phase, a semi-commercial scale test is conducted, leveraging synergy with our sister company, Geoflora SAS. Geoflora’s technical team evaluates the commercial potential of each variety, providing invaluable feedback for the SB Talee breeding program.  

Finally, the varieties that pass the fourth-year trials are chosen to be marketed and proudly added to our commercial catalog after receiving a name that identifies them in the market. This journey of creation and dedication allows us to offer unique and exceptional varieties that enrich our commitment to innovation and quality.



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